30×40 cm |11,8′ X 15,7″

1 286,00 

Avaible in Magdalena Wesołowska – 3u10.pl

I find inspiration in nature. I love sea and sand. I always been fascinated by its calmness yet knowing the strength and power it can bring that causes harm and destruction.
Title: Mindfullnes / 30 cm x 40 cm |11,8′ X 15,7″ / Acril, pigment on paper Hahnemuhle 425 g/m2

Framed: 48 cm x 58 cm (wood, glasse, white passepartu)

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In the tranquility that thou dost love, Enjoys thy presence.

Weight 10 kg
Dimensions 110 × 110 × 25 cm